
fruit surface Learn more about fruit surface

  • How to improve the finish of apple fruit surface

    How to improve the finish of apple fruit surface

    1. Fruit bagging. Fruit bagging is one of the best and most effective technical measures to improve the surface finish of apple fruit. Fruit bagging can make the pericarp smooth, delicate, bright color, less rust spots, and small and few fruit spots, so as to improve the appearance quality of the fruit. 2 、

    2020-11-08 How to improve apple fruit noodles finish bagging
  • The roughness of fruit surface affects how the appearance of apple can improve the smoothness of fruit surface.

    The roughness of fruit surface affects how the appearance of apple can improve the smoothness of fruit surface.

    The roughness of fruit surface affects how the appearance of apple can improve the smoothness of fruit surface.

  • Removal method of kiwifruit rust

    Removal method of kiwifruit rust

    1. Garden selection: choose shallow mountains and hills with leeward to the sun, sufficient water source, convenient drainage and irrigation, deep soil layer and rich humus. One meter square hole was used for soil preparation, and farm manure 50kg and mature cake fertilizer 2kg were applied to each hole. 2. Planting technology: one-year products were grafted into strong seedlings with a row spacing of 3 m.

  • Pear Fruit Noodle spot and Drug Application

    Pear Fruit Noodle spot and Drug Application

    There are often irregular spots on the surface of pear fruit, which affect the appearance quality of pear fruit. The spot on the fruit surface is commonly known as the fruit spot, which is caused by the gradual thickening of the cell wall and cork, and the rupture of the epidermis and stratum corneum to reveal the surface, forming brown spots. Another kind of spot is actually "medicine", which is caused by improper medication or excessive pressure when spraying pesticides. There is also a kind of "water clover", which is mainly caused by poor environmental conditions, damp and rainy, poor light, and mold parasitic on the fruit surface. The occurrence of fruit fruit is related to many factors in cultivation. For example, varieties and strains are not

  • Causes and countermeasures of rotten apricot fruit in greenhouse

    Causes and countermeasures of rotten apricot fruit in greenhouse

    The reason for fruit rot is lack of light in the greenhouse for a long time in cloudy or rainy or snowy days, and there is a lot of dust on the surface of the greenhouse film, resulting in insufficient light and excessive humidity in the greenhouse. Young fruit grows in dark and moist air for a long time, which is easy to cause rotten fruit. The indoor temperature in the greenhouse is too high in the young fruit stage of apricot, if the indoor temperature exceeds 28 degrees Celsius.

  • What is the effect of applying foliar fertilizer to dragon fruit?

    What is the effect of applying foliar fertilizer to dragon fruit?

    What is the effect of applying foliar fertilizer to dragon fruit? Please give a detailed introduction. First, dragon fruit can apply foliar fertilizer. Second, in order to ensure the fertilizer effect, it is necessary to analyze the stem and leaf surface characteristics of dragon fruit and the preparation and matching application techniques of foliar fertilizer, and take corresponding treatment to take effect. First of all, we must understand fire.

  • Can I apply foliar fertilizer to grow dragon fruit?

    Can I apply foliar fertilizer to grow dragon fruit?

    Can I apply foliar fertilizer to grow dragon fruit? Please give a detailed description of the dragon fruit can be applied foliar fertilizer, the first thing to understand the dragon fruit plant surface characteristics. It is native to the arid zone of South America and belongs to the perennial vine of Cactaceae. It has the physiological and ecological characteristics of drought-adapted plants, as shown in the picture on the right.

  • Eight common problems affecting the appearance quality of bagged emerald pear and their solutions

    Eight common problems affecting the appearance quality of bagged emerald pear and their solutions

    Emerald is a new pear variety bred by Zhengzhou Fruit Tree Research Institute. It is a hybrid between the new century and Zaocu. In the past six years of bagging cultivation through high grafting head in 2000, it has been found that this variety is an early-maturing pear variety with good quality because of its positive fruit shape, smooth fruit surface, milky white pulp, crisp, juicy and few stone cells. However, in the production of bagged pears, it is often found that there are some abnormal phenomena affecting the appearance and quality of fruit, such as black wrinkle, fruit peel, tiger skin, green fruit face, black spots, cracks, deformities and so on. For this reason, we have carried out investigation and analysis, and put forward a solution.

  • Schisandra chinensis sunburn disease

    Schisandra chinensis sunburn disease

    Fruit sunburn of Schisandra chinensis is a common physiological disease, which causes certain losses in production every year. With the global warming, this disease has a trend of increasing year by year. 1. Disease symptoms Schisandra sunburn mainly harms the fruit. Sunburn sites often show herpes, sunken spots, leatherization, plaque sclerosis or pulp tissue withered spots. The surface of the damaged fruit turned white (yellow or pink) at first, and then turned black-yellow to brown. When the burning is serious, the pulp tissue will be sunken and necrotic.

  • Prevention and treatment of sunburn disease of Schisandra chinensis

    Prevention and treatment of sunburn disease of Schisandra chinensis

    Prevention and treatment of sunburn disease of Schisandra chinensis

  • Have you ever noticed whether the "white frost" on the surface of fruit is pesticide residue or a normal phenomenon?

    Have you ever noticed whether the

    Recently, some netizens left a message to consult that the plums they bought have a layer of "white frost" on the surface, and it is difficult to wash them off. Is this layer of frost really pesticide residue? Its.

  • Application of Biopesticide: what is yeast? The function and efficacy of Biopesticide yeast

    Application of Biopesticide: what is yeast? The function and efficacy of Biopesticide yeast

    Yeast has been used in food fermentation industry for thousands of years. By selecting and domesticating bacteria, it can be used not only to produce beer and all kinds of wine, but also to ferment bread and steamed bread. In addition, the potential of research and development of plant disease control is booming in recent years.

    2019-01-10 Biology pesticides applications yeast what is it its function and
  • Foliar Fertilizer Technology of Dragon Fruit

    Foliar Fertilizer Technology of Dragon Fruit

    Fire dragon fruit is deeply loved by many consumers because it tastes sweet and not greasy. As we all know, dragon fruit likes to grow in a warm and sunny environment. It is a tropical fruit. So how to apply foliar fertilizer to grow dragon fruit? Let's go together.

    2020-11-08 Fire dragon fruit foliage fertilizer technology fire dragon cause taste sweet
  • When do you usually choose Apple bagging? What are the methods?

    When do you usually choose Apple bagging? What are the methods?

    Apple bagging can reduce pesticide residues, avoid fruit surface pollution, prevent diseases and insects from invading, keep the fruit surface smooth and promote apple coloring. If the bagging measures fail, the fruit black spot disease, microcracks, fruit rust and low commodity rate will lead to poor orchard efficiency.

    2020-11-09 Apple bagging general selection what time progress method have
  • Causes of rotten fruit of apricot and its control measures

    Causes of rotten fruit of apricot and its control measures

    Causes of rotten fruit of apricot and its control measures

  • Control of Lycium barbarum Colletotrichum

    Control of Lycium barbarum Colletotrichum

    Symptoms Lycium barbarum anthracnose commonly known as black fruit disease. It mainly damages green fruits, shoots, leaves, buds and flowers. Green fruit infected at the beginning of the fruit surface of small black spots or irregular brown spots, in case of continuous rain spots continue to expand, half fruit or whole fruit black, dry fruit cable shrink; humidity is large, a lot of orange colloidal spots grow on the diseased fruit; shoots, leaf tips...

  • Management of Apple before and after picking bags

    Management of Apple before and after picking bags

    Management of Apple before and after picking bags

  • Five hard peach varieties suitable for Yangtze River valley

    Five hard peach varieties suitable for Yangtze River valley

    1. King of Qin. The average fruit weight is 210g, the maximum fruit weight is 350g, and the fruit size is relatively regular. Fruit peel background yellow red, ripe fruit surface 80%-100% bright red, beautiful appearance, fruit surface less hair. Fruit is round, suture line, fruit shape is more symmetrical, fruit top concave, peduncle depression deep. The flesh is red and white, with 75% redness. The flesh is especially hard and does not crack, the texture is fine, the browning resistance is strong, the soluble solids content is 13.7%, the taste is sweet and slightly sour, the fragrance is slightly good, and the quality is excellent. Semi-detached nucleus, small nucleus, unsplit nucleus, edible rate 9

  • What should you pay attention to before and after bagging apples?

    What should you pay attention to before and after bagging apples?

    Bagging can make the fruit surface delicate and smooth, bright and beautiful color, prevent the harm of diseases and insect pests, reduce the pollution of pesticides and dust, produce pollution-free, high-quality fruit, and effectively enhance the commercial value of the fruit. However, the bagging technology of some fruit growers is not standard, and the measures fall.

    2020-11-08 Seed apple bagging front and back pay attention to what fruit breeding can make
  • How to protect the fruit of autumn dry oranges?

    How to protect the fruit of autumn dry oranges?

    How to protect the fruit of autumn dry oranges? Please introduce the autumn dry citrus can refer to the following methods to protect the fruit: first, the orange orchard with irrigation conditions can be irrigated in the afternoon, the water depth is slightly lower than the border surface, through the infiltration of one night, the excess water from the garden will be discharged the next morning to avoid high heat at noon and root damage; no irrigation.
